Telegram is a popular messaging app that’s supposed to support private communication. But is Telegram safe to use for conversations and sending photos? Secure communication has never been more necessary, so it's crucial to understand how Telegram protects your data . Telegram claims that its app offers robust encryption, has messages that can self-destruct, and that it keeps your data protected from hackers and cyber threats. However, other social media apps — like WhatsApp, Reddit, and Instagram — have made similar claims, only to leave your data vulnerable to leaks or snooping. So, is Telegram the same? I decided to run in-depth tests and look at the security and privacy features that Telegram has set in place to keep your messages safe. This guide offers you a complete review of Telegram’s overall security and any potential concerns — so you can make an informed decision about whether you should be using it. Pro Tip: There are tools that can improve your security while usi...